mountain goat territory

“The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights.”

Habakkuk 3:19

In 2003, I watched a documentary on architecture. It featured the construction of the Trump Tower, and the Willis Tower (also known as the Sears Tower or SkyDeck), and it’s been on my Bucket-list to visit ever since.

As a born-and-bred mountain goat, I’ve always experienced a sense of freedom in high places. It grants a vantage point from which you can see far, it’s a fresh perspective, and usually, getting to the top requires grit (or a high speed elevator). (Sidebar: city towers are neat, but they’ll never beat my love for the mountains!)

Standing on the thick SkyDeck glass, looking over Lake Michigan and Tiny Chicago beneath my feet, certainly ticked the boxes of my childhood imaginings. But, more than that, I realised how necessary it is to consider things from His perspective.

When I was a student (circa 2010), I’d walk around on campus with my eyes closed — practicing hearing the voice of Holy Spirit, and, quite literally, trusting Him to blindly lead me.

Did I walk into things? Yes. Multiple times.
Did I fall down steps? Yes. Multiple times.
Did I learn how to trust His voice? UNDENIABLY, YES.

Habakkuk 3:19 says, “The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights.”

As I’m stepping into a new season, I’m drawn back to those high places, trusting Him to guide my feet, to boldly follow His voice, and to look at things from His perspective.

As we March on (so sorry), may that be our perspective.
May we have the courage to venture out into mountain goat territory.
May we look at life here on earth from His perspective (even if we have to take the elevator to get there).


she knew what she was called to

We hear a lot about Kathryn Kuhlmann and Maria Woodworth-Etter, but there also was a black woman that God had his hands mightily upon named Elder Lucy! Her ministry is a legacy of hope and dreams come true!

Lucy Turner-Smith, also known as Elder Lucy Smith, was the first black woman to build and pastor a megachurch, in Chicago, called All Nations Pentecostal Church. She saw an estimated 200,000 miracles and healing in her ministry.

The most significant encouragement from Elder Lucy Smith was, “just be yourself.”

Lucy was known to have little regard for proper grammar and never tried to be oratorical. She would talk calmly and move around as she preached or ministered, but when she prayed for the sick, all manners of sickness and disease would be healed.

Lucy was born on 14 January 1875 in Woodstock, Georgia, and her birth name was Lucinda Madden. She was born in a little one-room log cabin, where she and 5 siblings were raised by their single mother. Lucy gave her life to the Lord when she was 12 and went to school for the first time when she turned 13. She went on to marry and have nine children, but her husband left them, and she decided to move to Chicago in 1910.

After being in the city for a couple of years, Elder Lucy joined a predominantly white Pentecostal church called Stone Church. It was known for its incredible healing services. The most well-known divine healing ministers of the time regularly ministered there: William Seymour, Smith Wigglesworth, John G. Lake, and Maria Woodworth-Etter. In this atmosphere of miracles, Lucy received her unique calling into the divine healing ministry.

Lucy began a one-room prayer meeting in her own house with only two people. The size of the meeting grew fast, as many were being healed and baptized with the Holy Ghost. Three years later, they moved out to a larger facility. After 10 years, in 1926, she built a $65,000 church (equivalent to one million dollars today). By the 1930s, the church had nearly 5,000 members. Lucy said that the healing services were the reason for such growth.

Elder Lucy Smith

The healing services at All Nations Pentecostal Church were phenomenal. Elder Lucy Smith would hold healing services three times a week. The deaf, the blind, the crippled, the lame, stroke victims, and those with goitres and cancers were healed weekly. The church basement was decorated with crutches and canes that were left behind by those who were healed. Lucy travelled across Illinois and abroad, taking God’s healing power and seeing several hundred healed and saved. She was popular with people of all classes and colours who would come from near and far.

God spoke to Lucy and told her to broadcast the services over the radio. This broadcast became known as The Glorious Church of the Air radio program in 1933. It was the first LIVE service to be broadcast from a black church. She received letters from all over the country, telling how people had been healed as she prayed. The radio program also helped fund the tremendous charity work the church did. They fed thousands of people during the Great Depression and provided food and clothing to black families in the city.

Lucy Smith is a primary example of what tremendous exploits God can do with a simple, yielded vessel. She didn’t try to be more than she was. She knew what she was called to, and she stuck to it. Lucy died on 18 June 1952, and over 60,000 people came to show their respects. It was the largest funeral in Chicago history.

God uses those who are available and obedient. He qualifies them for their calling with HIS ANOINTING!

savez-vous où nous allons?

5 Thomas lui dit : « Seigneur, nous ne savons pas où tu vas. Comment est-ce que nous pourrions connaître le chemin ? » 6 Jésus lui répond : « Le chemin, la vérité, la vie, c’est moi. Personne ne va au Père sans passer par moi. 7 Si vous me connaissez, vous connaîtrez aussi mon Père. À partir de maintenant, vous le connaissez et vous l’avez vu. 

Jean 14:5-7

viens-tu avec nous ?

En 2011, je vivais et travaillais à Babylone, en Namibie, un quartier informel à l’extérieur de la capitale, Windhoek. Nous étions en route pour faire du ministère dans une nouvelle région et attendions de rencontrer le pasteur Ephraim, notre contact local, au coin du centre Shoprite. Nous ne le savions pas à l’époque, mais ce coin était une sorte de station de taxis informelle, et les gens venaient de partout pour prendre un minibus pour se rendre au travail ou en revenir en ville. Nous conduisions un bus Sprinter de 12 places à l’époque et nous nous sommes mélangés aux nombreux autres taxis. Pendant que nous attendions, un groupe de trois personnes s’est approché de la fenêtre et a demandé à faire un tour : « Allez-vous à Eros ? ils ont demandé. Et Jurgens, qui faisait partie de mon équipe, a rapidement répondu : « Non, nous allons au paradis ! Viens-tu avec nous ?

la mission apostolique

En 47 après J.-C., Paul entreprit son premier voyage missionnaire officiel, rejoint par Barnabas. Je me demande quelle idée il avait de ce qui se passerait au cours des 14 prochaines années. Paul savait-il qu’il guérirait un mendiant infirme, empêcherait la foule de lui sacrifier en tant que dieu, puis serait lapidé presque à mort ? Tout dans une seule ville ? Était-il conscient que, dans une autre ville, il ressusciterait les morts – juste un autre jour dans la vie de? Aurait-il pu prédire que des grandes villes entières et même des secteurs majeurs de leurs économies seraient bouleversés à cause des mouvements de Dieu qui auraient lieu ?

L’invitation à VENIR AVEC NOUS, ne concerne pas seulement l’invitation à vivre en relation avec le Christ Jésus, mais c’est une double invitation pour les croyants à SE JOINDRE à l’ŒUVRE DU ROYAUME.

Cette invitation est probablement la partie la plus excitante et la plus intimidante d’être un croyant en Christ, de marcher dans une relation avec le Père et de se joindre à la communion du Saint-Esprit, mais dire OUI à cette invitation est crucial pour que le ciel se manifeste sur la terre.

Notre première expédition depuis que nous avons lancé la nouvelle base de Kolwezi a été un GRAND SUCCÈS ! Vous pouvez toujours vous inscrire pour la deuxième expédition en août.

Si je perçois correctement l’histoire de Paul, je parie que je peux comprendre ce qu’il a dû ressentir au début de ce premier voyage. Bien sûr, Paul avait exercé le ministère auparavant, mais c’était le début de quelque chose de nouveau.

En regardant autour de moi et en voyant cette nouvelle saison, je suis convaincu de la grandeur de l’Évangile (Romains 1 : 16). J’ai vu la puissance de l’Esprit à l’œuvre (Actes 1 : 8), et même si je n’ai AUCUNE IDÉE de comment tout cela va se dérouler, j’attends et je suis excité que le Saint-Esprit nous conduise (Romains 8 : 14) pour accomplir Sa volonté en République Démocratique du Congo.

C’est à la fois excitant et un peu terrifiant de faire partie d’une expansion aussi phénoménale dans le Royaume !

Dans Overland Missions, nous appelons souvent nos missionnaires des pionniers apostoliques. Qu’est-ce que cela signifie, cependant? Pour le Christ, nous apportons l’Évangile du Royaume aux personnes éloignées et non atteintes, en les dotant de la connaissance fondamentale de leur identité en Christ dans la nouvelle création, en les disciplinant, en formant les dirigeants locaux et en les responsabilisant par le Saint-Esprit.

L’une de nos principales stratégies pionnières, ou évangéliques, est celle des Expéditions. Nous croyons en l’unité du corps du Christ, donc aux côtés de partenaires locaux du ministère, de missionnaires à plein temps et de membres d’expéditions internationales, nous plongeons dans les communautés rurales avec une évangélisation individuelle, partageant l’Évangile, imposant les mains aux malades, chasser les démons et encourager les croyants.

témoignage de l’Expédition de juin en RDC
De Quatre Maison, Saviour partage ce témoignage : « La première fois que nous avons commencé à travailler dans ce village, beaucoup de gens venaient ivres à une étude biblique. Mais aujourd’hui, c’est tellement encourageant de voir comment Dieu a changé leur vie et élevé des gens comme cet homme de 70 ans. Non seulement pour assister régulièrement à l’étude biblique, mais pour diriger les réunions sous toutes leurs formes.
Il dirige certaines chansons et après il prêche la parole. Même l’âge n’est pas une limite quand le feu de Dieu vous frappe !

À quoi s’attendre?

La République démocratique du Congo est un pays vaste et déchiré par la guerre. La corruption a pris le dessus alors que de multiples armées de groupes rebelles, du gouvernement et d’influences extérieures prennent le contrôle dans différents domaines. Les gens sont perdus dans la confusion car aucun système ou paix n’existe. En tant qu’ambassadeurs du seul vrai Royaume, nous pouvons apporter la vérité aux Congolais sur Celui qui existe en tant que Prince de la Paix. Accepterez-vous de répondre à l’appel pour apporter ce message aux personnes qui ne connaissent pas la vraie vérité ? Viens avec nous!

Voici la newsletter de Julie avec plein de témoignages de Juin 2022.

Voici quelques-unes des merveilleuses dames qui font partie de notre équipe de ministère en République démocratique du Congo.: Vanessa, Ogla, Anastasia, moi-même, Bénédicte.

l’armée te veut !

L’empreinte mondiale de notre équipe couvre plus de 150 000 milles carrés sur 4 continents. Nous ajoutons ACTIVEMENT à notre équipe, et il y a de la place pour vous ! Que vous vous sentiez appelé à rejoindre notre équipe sur le terrain à plein temps ou à nous accompagner en expédition, NOUS SERIONS ADORABLES DE VOUS AVOIR ! Si vous souhaitez plus d’informations sur la façon dont vous pouvez rejoindre notre équipe, n’hésitez pas à me contacter:

Kazambe est l’une des nouvelles chefferies dans lesquelles notre équipe s’introduit.

compter le coût

En 2021, au milieu d’une pandémie mondiale, l’opportunité s’est offerte pour moi de passer trois mois sur le terrain en RD Congo, et ce fut une expérience d’apprentissage immersive ! J’ai tellement découvert la culture congolaise, amélioré mon français et j’apprends des moyens plus efficaces de faire du ministère parmi ces gens merveilleux ! En 2022, nous avons planté une TOUTE NOUVELLE base de mission plus profondément à l’intérieur de la RD Congo, en lançant une équipe à Kolwezi et dans les chefferies environnantes. Au fur et à mesure que nous grandissons et que notre équipe se développe, nous découvrons des ressources plus spécifiques nécessaires pour faire avancer le ministère.

Une équipe de soutien établie est l’un des aspects les plus critiques des missions et du ministère des Affaires étrangères. Cela signifie non seulement que notre portée est beaucoup plus large et plus longue, mais cela donne également à notre équipe sur le terrain la tranquillité d’esprit que d’autres croyants nous rejoignent sur le terrain et partagent les fruits de la récolte.

Je travaille actuellement dur pour remplir mon équipe de partenaires financiers, une exigence essentielle du ministère qui me permettra de retourner en République démocratique du Congo à PLEIN TEMPS. Cet objectif de soutien comprend toutes les dépenses du ministère, ainsi que les dépenses personnelles de voyage et les frais de logistique. Si vous vous sentez appelé à semer financièrement pour notre ministère ici, je voudrais vous inviter à envisager dans la prière de devenir un partenaire financier mensuel. Le processus de don est devenu si simple : Overland Missions a simplifié son site Web, vous pouvez donc donner directement au ministère en cliquant ici !

Nous tenons à vous informer que nous avons de nouveaux liens pour devenir un donateur MENSUEL ou UNIQUE en partenariat avec notre ministère.

Je prie pour que votre semence soit multipliée et augmentée à votre compte ! Merci pour votre contribution au travail d’Overland Missions !

Bien que nous fassions tout notre possible pour appliquer votre contribution à toute préférence indiquée, Overland Missions a la discrétion et le contrôle sur l’utilisation des fonds donnés. Nous remercions Dieu pour vous et votre soutien !

le garder réel

L’une des bénédictions les plus (inattendues, mais tout à fait nécessaires) pour moi dans cette saison non conventionnelle d’entre-deux, est la communauté dont j’ai été entouré. Ma famille a vécu dans cette ville un peu moins de 19 ans (j’allais et venais, donc je ne m’inclus pas particulièrement dans ce nombre), et bien que nous ayons fait partie de nombreux groupes d’églises, d’évangélisation, de ministères, d’initiatives, etc., un de nos plus grands besoins et désirs était d’être inclus dans une communauté de foi.

Voici quelques-unes des dames de notre étude biblique du lundi soir. JuanRi, moi-même, Jacolette, Carien, Juanita – il nous en manque quelques-uns, car c’est actuellement les vacances scolaires et quelques familles sont à l’extérieur de la ville. Ce fut un moment de convivialité tellement béni.

Dans Overland Missions, nous disons souvent que vivre dans une communauté est l’un des plus grands défis du ministère, mais c’est aussi la plus grande bénédiction, et jusqu’à présent, je ne savais pas à quel point c’était vrai !

Au cours des derniers mois, j’ai été tellement encouragé et béni par deux études bibliques particulières auxquelles je participe. J’ai pu investir dans les relations, les amitiés et les familles en les semant spirituellement et financièrement, en gardant leurs enfants, en travaillant comme bénévole dans leurs entreprises, en enseignant l’étude biblique et en priant les uns pour les autres.

Si vous n’êtes pas activement impliqué dans une communauté religieuse, je veux vous encourager à vous entourer de personnes partageant les mêmes idées qui vous élèvent dans la prière et vous encouragent à rechercher le Royaume !

comme au temps de Joël

Les gens de Samuel Broadbent Home

J’ai récemment rendu visite aux charmantes personnes de Samuel Broadbent Home et j’ai partagé l’Évangile. Je leur ai raconté nos aventures et notre vie en RD Congo et j’ai encouragé les gens avec des témoignages du champ missionnaire. Après avoir prêché l’Evangile, j’ai invité les gens à venir s’ils voulaient prier. Nous avons vu des yeux aveugles s’ouvrir, des douleurs au dos, au cou et aux genoux ont été guéries, des oreilles sourdes ont commencé à entendre et trois personnes ont été baptisées du Saint-Esprit, parlant en langues ! Louez Dieu pour sa fidélité !

17 “Dieu dit : Dans les derniers jours, je donnerai mon Esprit à tous. Vos fils et vos filles parleront de ma part. Je ferai voir des choses nouvelles à vos jeunes gens, j’enverrai des rêves à vos vieillards. 18 Oui, en ces jours-là, je donnerai mon Esprit à mes serviteurs et à mes servantes, et ils parleront de ma part. 19 Je ferai des choses extraordinaires en haut dans le ciel, et des choses étonnantes en bas sur la terre. Il y aura du sang, du feu et des nuages de fumée. 20 Le soleil deviendra sombre et la lune sera rouge comme du sang. Ensuite, le jour du Seigneur viendra, ce jour grand et magnifique. 21 Alors tous ceux qui feront appel au Seigneur seront sauvés.”

Actes 2: 17-21

vous faites partie de cette équipe

Comme toujours, un grand MERCI à chacun d’entre vous ! Je suis tellement béni par vos encouragements et vos prières alors que notre équipe continue de croire en un grand mouvement de Dieu ici en République démocratique du Congo, en Zambie et dans mon pays d’origine, l’Afrique du Sud. Grâce à vous et à votre soutien de toutes les manières, nous pouvons participer à la mission – voir les malades guéris, les opprimés libérés, les morts ressuscités et la Bonne Nouvelle proclamée à ceux qui sont sans espoir. Grâce à votre partenariat fidèle dans les finances, la prière et le soutien, ce ministère peut grandir, porter des fruits et partager la joie de la moisson ! Merci à vous tous qui semez et continuez à semer dans ma vie, notre équipe et la vie des autres qui grandissent en Christ, reçoivent Christ et sont envoyés par Christ.

Grâce à votre engagement, les communautés éloignées sont touchées par l’Évangile du Royaume – merci d’en faire partie !

J’aime chacun d’entre vous et je suis tellement excité pour ce que le Seigneur fait et va faire aussi dans vos vies. Tout donner peut nécessiter des finances, du temps et des sacrifices, mais cela en vaut la peine. Il en vaut la peine. Le plus grand cadeau a été donné lorsque Jésus a donné sa propre vie pour nous. Tout le reste est court. Il mérite la gloire éternelle !

Mike, membre du tramway d’Overland Missions, interprète un message d’encouragement que j’ai prêché de 1 Jean 1 du français à Kisanga au palais du chef Mwadingusha.
Au cours des prochaines années, Overland Missions cherche à établir une base rurale pour le ministère en Afrique du Sud.

requêtes de prière spécifiques

Veuillez continuer à prier pour la moisson ici en RDC ! Il y en a beaucoup qui recherchent la Vérité, même si génération après génération ont endurci leur cœur contre l’exploitation. Il y a déjà le grondement du réveil dans l’Esprit.

Priez pour les ouvriers — nous faisons confiance à Dieu pour ajouter à notre équipe ! Nous recherchons activement des personnes pour rejoindre notre équipe ici en RDC avec des bottes sur le terrain ! Veuillez vous tenir avec nous dans la foi pour une équipe qui aime Dieu et qui aime son peuple, qui se sent spécifiquement appelé à vivre et à travailler ici avec nous.

Le peuple congolais – parmi les Congolais, il y a beaucoup de peuples religieux, mais il est né d’années de tradition, manque de relations et de profondeur, et est souvent accompagné par l’occulte. Pourtant, cela prouve un désespoir pour une Vérité qui est plus profonde que la surface. S’il vous plaît, continuez à prier pour cette merveilleuse nation, afin que leurs cœurs soient soumis au Saint-Esprit et qu’ils s’emparent de la Vérité.

Bénédictions en Christ


P.S. continuez à me faire savoir comment je peux prier pour vous !

« Pendant que nous écrasions des arachides pour le déjeuner, une femme âgée est venue nous saluer. Elle a demandé la prière pour ses jambes engourdies et ses yeux embués. Après avoir prié pour elle, elle a dit qu’elle pouvait sentir ses jambes et sa vision s’était éclaircie ! Je pouvais voir que ses yeux s’éclaircissaient. Nous l’avons encouragée à continuer d’avoir une grande foi », — Danielle, Kids on Fire Expedition.
Vous souvenez-vous quand je vous ai dit que Overland Missions lance la formation d’aumônerie en RDC ?

C’est ce que nous attendons avec impatience !

Il y a un puissant mouvement de Dieu sous la direction traditionnelle et tribale en Afrique. Il ne s’agit pas seulement de formation. Il s’agit d’un équipement apostolique et de la mise en service de ministres autochtones de l’Évangile pour atteindre l’Afrique avec la Bonne Nouvelle du Royaume.

Cette semaine, 45 aumôniers ont obtenu leur diplôme en Zambie et sont maintenant sur le chemin du retour pour servir les chefs des régions périphériques en tant que conseillers et ministres. Cette année, des aumôniers seront également formés au Malawi et au Zimbabwe.

C’est ce vers quoi vous semez – le Royaume rendu manifeste dans les Nations. 🙌🏼✨
Nous avons trouvé le chef et deux représentants qui nous ont chaleureusement accueillis et nous ont donné la permission de partager l’Evangile avec les personnes sous leur autorité. Nous sommes partis en voiture avec un des hommes de la famille, qui parle portugais et la langue locale d’Omukuvale. Il devait être notre guide alors que nous traversions l’énorme lit de la rivière que de nombreux Mucubal appellent chez eux. D’en haut, sur Google Maps, la zone semble inhabitée, mais de l’intérieur du lit de la rivière, il est rapidement apparu que ce n’était pas le cas. Nous avons rencontré l’aîné de la zone principale plus en amont de la rivière, qui nous a invités à revenir un week-end où les gens seraient plus en mesure de se rassembler. — Fiona, missionnaire en Angola

do you know where we are going?

Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”

John 14:5-7

are you coming with us?

In 2011, I was living and working in Babylon, Namibia — an informal settlement outside the capital city, of Windhoek. We were on our way out to do ministry in a new area and were waiting to meet pastor Ephraim, our local contact, on the corner of the Shoprite centre. We didn’t know this at the time, but that corner was an informal taxi rank of sorts, and people came from all over to catch a minibus to take their commute to or from work in the city. We were driving a 12-seater Sprinter bus at the time and blended in with the many other taxis. While we were waiting, a group of three people came up to the window and asked for a ride, “Are you going to Eros?” they asked. And Jurgens, who was on my team, promptly replied, “No, we’re going to heaven! Are you coming with us?”

the Apostolic mission

In A.D. 47 Paul set off on his first official missionary journey, joined by Barnabas. I wonder how much of a sense he had of what would take place over the next 14 years.  Did Paul know that he would heal a cripple beggar, fight the crowd from sacrificing to him as a god, and then be stoned nearly to death? All in one city?  Was he aware that, in another city, he would raise the dead — just another day in the life of?  Could he have predicted that entire major cities and even major sectors of their economies would be turned upside-down because of the moves of God that would take place?

The invitation to COME WITH US, not only pertains to the invitation of living in relationship with Christ Jesus, but it is a two-fold invitation for believers to JOIN in the WORK OF THE KINGDOM.

This invitation is probably the most exciting and most daunting part of being a believer in Christ, walking in a relationship with the Father, and joining in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, yet, saying YES to this invitation is crucial to make heaven manifest on earth.

Our first Expedition since we pioneered the new base in Kolwezi was a GREAT SUCCESS! You can still sign up for the second Expedition in August.

If I’m perceiving Paul’s story correctly, I bet I can relate to how he must have been feeling at the beginning of that first journey. Sure, Paul had ministered before, but this was the beginning of something new.

As I look around and see this new season, I am convinced of the greatness of the Gospel (Romans 1:16). I’ve seen the power of the Spirit at work (Acts 1:8), and even though I have NO IDEA how it’s all going to unfold, I’m expectant, and excited that the Holy Spirit will lead us (Romans 8:14) to accomplish His will in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

It’s both exciting, and a bit terrifying to be part of such a phenomenal expansion in the Kingdom!

In Overland Missions, we often refer to our missionaries as Apostolic Pioneers. What does it mean, though? For Christ, we take the Gospel of the Kingdom to remote and unreached people, equipping them with the foundational knowledge of their Identity in Christ in the new creation, discipling them, training local leaders, and empowering them by the Holy Spirit.

One of our main pioneering, or Evangelical, strategies is Expeditions. We believe in the unity of the body of Christ, so alongside local ministry partners, full-time missionaries, and international expedition members, we delve into rural communities with one-on-one Evangelism, sharing the Gospel, laying hands on the sick, casting out demons, and encouraging believers.

testimony from DRC June Expedition
From Quatre Maison, Saviour shares this testimony:

“The first time we started working in this village,many people would come to a Bible study drunk. But today it’s so encouraging to see how God has changed their lives and raised the likes of this 70 year old man. Not only to attend the bible study consistently but to lead the meetings in all forms.
He leads in some songs and after he preaches the word.” Not even age is a limit when the fire of God hits you!

what to expect?

The Democratic Republic of Congo is a vast and war-torn country. Corruption has taken over as multiple armies from rebel groups, the government, and outside influences take charge in different areas. The people are lost in confusion as no system or peace exists. As ambassadors of the one true Kingdom, we can bring truth to the Congolese about the One that exists as the Prince of Peace. Will you take up the call to bring this message to people who know no real truth? Come with us!

These are some of the wonderful ladies that are part of our ministry team in the Democratic Republic of Congo. From L-R: Vanessa, Ogla, Anastasia, myself, Benedicte.
Kazambe is one of the new Chiefdoms our team is breaking in to.

the army wants you!

Our team’s global footprint covers over 150,000 square miles in 4 continents. We are ACTIVELY adding to our team, and there’s room for you! Whether you feel called to join our team on the ground full time, or come out with us on Expedition — WE’D LOVE TO HAVE YOU! If you’d like more information on how you can join our team, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me:

count the cost

In 2021, amid a worldwide pandemic, the opportunity opened up for me to spend three months boots-on-the-ground in DR Congo, and it has been an immersive learning experience! I’ve discovered so much about the Congolese culture, improved my French, and I’m learning more effective ways to do ministry among these wonderful people! In 2022, we planted a BRAND-NEW mission base deeper into the interior of DR Congo, launching a team in Kolwezi and the surrounding chiefdoms. As we grow and our team develops, we’re discovering more specific needed resources to advance the ministry.

An established support team is one of the most critical aspects of missions and foreign ministry. This not only means that our reach is so much wider and longer, but it also gives our team on the ground the peace of mind that other believers are joining us in the field and sharing in the fruits of the Harvest.

I am currently working hard to fill my team with financial partners, an essential requirement of the ministry that will enable me to return to the Democratic Republic of Congo FULL TIME. This support goal includes all ministry expenses, as well as personal expenses for travel, and logistical costs. If you feel called to sow financially towards our ministry here, I’d like to invite you to prayerfully consider becoming a monthly financial partner. The process for giving has just become so easy: Overland Missions has streamlined our website, so you can give directly to the ministry by clicking here!

We would like to make you aware that we have new links up for becoming a MONTHLY or ONE TIME donor to partner with our ministry.

I pray that your seed will be multiplied and increased to your account! Thank you for your contribution to the work of Overland Missions!

While we make every effort to apply your contribution to any indicated preference, Overland Missions has the discretion and control over the use of donated funds.

We thank God for you and your support!

keeping it real

One of the most (unexpected, yet entirely needed) blessings for me in this unconventional season of in-between, is the Community I’ve been surrounded with. My family has lived in this city a little shy of 19 years (I came and went, so I don’t particularly include myself in that number), and though we were part of many church groups, outreaches, ministries, initiatives etc, one of our greatest needs and desires was to be included in a faith community.

Here are some of the ladies from our Monday night Bible Study. L-R: JuanRi, myself, Jacolette, Carien, Juanita — we’re missing a few, as it’s currently the school holidays and a couple families are out of town. It was such a blessed time of fellowship!

In Overland Missions we often say that living in a community is one of the ministry’s greatest challenges, but also it’s the greatest blessing, and until now I didn’t know how true it was!

Over the past several months, I’ve been so encouraged and blessed by two particular Bible studies that I’m a part of. I’ve been able to invest in relationships, friendships, and families by sowing into them spiritually, and financially, babysitting their kids, working as a volunteer in their businesses, teaching Bible study, and praying for one another.

If you are not actively involved in a faith community, I want to encourage you to surround yourself with like-minded people that lift you up in prayer, and encourage you to seek after the Kingdom!

as in the days of Joel

Folks from Samuel Broadbent Home

I recently visited the lovely folks of Samuel Broadbent Home and shared the Gospel. I told them about our adventures and life in DR Congo and encouraged people with testimonies from the mission field. After I preached the Gospel, I invited people to come forward if they wanted prayer. We saw blind eyes open, back, neck and knee pain were healed, deaf ears started hearing, and three folks were baptised in the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues! Praise God for His faithfulness!

“‘This is what I will do in the last days —I will pour out my Spirit on everybody and cause your sons and daughters to prophesy, and your young men will see visions, and your old men will experience dreams from God. The Holy Spirit will come upon all my servants, men and women alike, and they will prophesy. I will reveal startling signs and wonders in the sky above and mighty miracles on the earth below. Blood and fire and pillars of clouds will appear. For the sun will be turned dark and the moon blood-red before that great and awesome appearance of the day of the Lord. But everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ ”

Acts‬ ‭2:17-21‬
Monday morning miracles!

you are a part of this team

As always, a grand THANK YOU to each of you! I’m so blessed by your encouragement and prayer as our team continues to believe for a great move of God here in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia, and my home country, South Africa. Because of you, and your support in every way, we can participate in the mission — to see the sick healed, the oppressed set free, the dead raised, and the Good News proclaimed to those who are without hope. Through your faithful partnership in finances, prayer, and support this ministry can grow, bear fruit, and share in the joy of the harvest! Thank you to all of you who sow and continue sowing into my life, our team, and the lives of others who are growing in Christ, receiving Christ, and are sent out by Christ.

Because of your commitment, remote communities are reached with the Gospel of the Kingdom — thank you for being a part of that!

I love each one of you and am so excited for what the Lord is doing and going to do through your lives as well. Giving it all might require finances, time, and sacrifice, but it’s worth it. He is worth it. The greatest gift was given when Jesus laid His own life down for us. Everything else falls short. He deserves eternal glory!

Overland Missions tram member, Mike, interprets a message of encouragement that I preached from 1 John 1 from French to Kisanga at Chief Mwadingusha’s palace.

specific prayer requests

Please continue to pray for the harvest here in DRC! There are many who seek after Truth, even though generation after generation have hardened their hearts against exploitation. Already there’s the rumbling of revival in the Spirit.

Pray for labourers — we are trusting God to add to our team! We are actively looking for people to join our team here in DRC with boots on the ground! Please stand with us in faith for a team who love God, and who love His people, who feel specifically called to live and work here with us.

The Congolese people — among the Congolese there are many religious peoples, but it’s birthed out of years of tradition, lacking relationship and depth, and is often accompanied by the occult. Yet it proves a desperation for a Truth that is deeper than the surface. Please continue to pray for this wonderful nation, that their hearts will be yielded to the Holy Spirit, and that they will take hold of the Truth.

Blessings in Christ


P.S. please continue to let me know how I can pray for you!

“While we were pounding groundnuts for lunch, an elderly woman came to greet us. She asked for prayer for her numb legs and foggy eyes.After I prayed for her, she said that she could feel her legs and her vision was cleared! I could see that her eyes cleared up. We encouraged her to continue having great faith,” — Danielle, Kids on Fire Expedition.
Remember when I told you that Overland Missions is kicking off Chaplaincy Training in DRC?

THIS is what we’re looking forward to!

There is a mighty move of God under the traditional and tribal leadership in Africa. It’s not merely about training. It’s an Apostolic equipping and commissioning of indigenous ministers of the Gospel to reach Africa with Good News of the Kingdom.

This week, 45 chaplains graduated in Zambia, and are now on their way back to serve chiefs in outlying areas as councelors and ministers. This year, Chaplains will also be trained in Malawi and Zimbabwe.

This is what you’re sowing towards — the Kingdom made manifest in the Nations. 🙌🏼✨
“We found the chief and two representatives who warmly received us and gave us permission to share the Gospel with the people under their authority. We set off by car with one of the men from the family, who speaks Portuguese and the local language of Omukuvale. He was to be our guide as we drove through the enormous riverbed that many Mucubal call home. From above, on Google maps, the area looks uninhabited, but from inside the riverbed, it was quickly evident that was not the case. We met with the elder of the main area further up the river, who invited us to come back on a weekend when the people would be more able to gather.” — Fiona, missionary in Angola
In the next few years, Overland Missions are looking to plant a rural base for ministry in South Africa.

ready! set! go!

“As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.”
– Matthew‬ ‭10:7-8

let’s go!

I want to give you a quick update on what’s going on in ministry and life at the moment. 2022 has started with a BANG! An explosive start in a very good and positive way!

I don’t know if you’re anything like me when it comes to the shift between seasons, but change always fills me with a sense of expectation! What is God doing next? How can I be a part of it? If I run, I want my strides to match up with the pace of the Holy Spirit. This is my prayer and expectation for this year: that we keep in step with the Spirit, following His unction, resonating the frequencies of heaven, and manifesting the Kingdom.

I am doing something brand new, something unheard of.
    Even now, it sprouts and grows and matures. Don’t you perceive it?
 I will make a way in the wilderness and open up flowing streams in the desert. 20 Wild beasts, jackals, and owls will glorify me. For I supply streams of water in the desert and rivers in the wilderness to satisfy the thirst of my people, my chosen ones, 21 so that you, whom I have shaped and formed for myself, will proclaim my praise.

Isaiah 43:19-21

I haven’t sent out a ‘formal’ update since December last year, but I have updated partners via news bursts. If you have missed out on these and would like to receive them, you can sign up RIGHT HERE!

scan this QR code or follow this link to join the news burst group
If you would like to sow into the Nations, click here. Please use 3282 in the reference. OR, if you’re based in South Africa, you can use the FNB account details.

One Tribe Conference

From the 2nd to the 10th of January, we had a very successful Overland Missions Conference held in Orlando. About 450 God-hungry and mission-minded people attended this life-changing conference. Over 250 were from the OM Team, and those soon to be joining the OM Team. Others who attended were Pastors, parents, friends of Overlanders, and people who support the mission endeavours.

join our team

Our team’s global footprint covers over 150,000 square miles in 4 continents. We are ACTIVELY adding to our team, and there’s room for you! Whether you feel called to join our team on the ground full time, or come out with us on Expedition — WE’D LOVE TO HAVE YOU! If you’d like more information on how you can our team, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at

eight borders

Twenty years ago, Overland Missions intentionally launched into Zambia for its strategic location, as it shares a border with eight other nations. The plan has always been to raise disciples and send them into the surrounding nations. Zambia is a country full of adventure, especially when it comes to finding isolated people groups and sharing the message of the new creation. Today, Zambia is the most radical example of what it looks like for a nation to be in the midst of revival and a viral movement of God. The Gospel has touched everyone, from the president and his cabinet members to over 200 traditional chiefs. This movement represents millions of people who had limited access to the Gospel, that are now saturated in the presence of God.

ministry to chiefs

There are 274 chiefs in Zambia that rule over millions of people in their respective chiefdoms. Traditionally, these chiefs turn to witchcraft and animism due to a lack of access to the Gospel. The goal of our ministry to chiefs is to instil a chaplaincy program by training individuals, chosen by the chief, to be his direct spiritual advisor. This is not just a program, but it is a move of God that enforces the Kingdom of God among the kingdoms of men. It is the job of the chaplains to disciple their chiefs, establish unity among the churches and people, and steer the chiefdom in the direction the Lord desires. In 2021, the chaplaincy team trained 62 more chaplains in Zambia, creating a total of 211 acting chaplains. In addition, the chaplaincy team has started follow-up discipleship trainings in each province of Zambia. This has become a large success, allowing the chaplains to receive support, further training, and be spiritually equipped by the team and fellow chaplains. Five discipleship trainings were completed this year in five different provinces. One chaplain, Victor, was trained in 2020 and has since formed a close relationship with the chief he serves. Victor was recently appointed as the head of the chief’s Ministry of Lands and now has authority over the delegation of property for the entire chiefdom. This chief has also given him the power to handle all religious and spiritual matters within his chiefdom. Victor is eradicating ungodly practices, establishing interdenominational pastoral fellowship groups, and acting as a mediator for the chief.

In 2022, the chaplaincy program will be going to expand internationally into Zimbabwe and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Both countries have similar tribal leadership structures, allowing the program to be easily transferred to these nations. The Emperor of the Lunda and Luvale tribes in the DRC has already selected a chaplain along with two other chiefs. The Kingdom of God is being established in the chiefdoms and the tribal leaders are submitting to the authority of the King of kings.

keeping it real

You might remember that I’m currently pursuing my Bachelors in Theology through the Global Theological University. I’m six months into a three-year degree, and though it’s had some challenges, I’m so excited that I am already able to put my studies to practice in the foreign mission field. I ordered some of my study supplies and second hand books from Amazon, but due to Covid, their worldwide shipping had some significant delays. Through the kindness of MANY of my colleagues, I shipped my textbooks to Georgia (USA), then to Zambia (where it was stuck for 3 months) and finally, picked it up at OR Tambo International Airport as some other colleagues were on their way back to the States.

Pursuing a degree certainly looks different now than it did in 2010 when I was fresh out of high school, and it has been an incredible adventure! If you would specifically like to contribute to my studies, you can use the FNB banking details with “GTU” in your donation reference along with your name.

home, sweet home

Our team finished up the move to our new place in Kolwezi just days before I flew back to South Africa to spend Christmas with family and prepare some logistical things for the year ahead! Less than 2% of the roads in Congo are paved (tar roads), and this move to Kolwezi literally places us at the end of the road in Southern DRC. Many unreached and neglected villages lie beyond this city, and this is the area into which our team is now pioneering ministry. Our team has been given several Divine connections to new chiefs, villages, and clinics that we are excited to follow up with once I return to Congo and the roads begin to dry out as rainy season winds down.

There are several things to be thankful for with the new location: More space! Our new rental property has three houses, allowing the growing Kaonga family a space of their own (they welcomed their son, Sepiso in December), a house where Julie (and eventually myself) will live (with separate bathrooms, yay!) The third house on the property will be our guest house for Expeditions (we are hosting TWO Expeditions to DRC this year), ministry partners, and visitors. Another BIG WIN for this property is that the drinking water is safe — straight out of the tap! Fresh (and safe) water is a major issue in DRC, and previously we had to filter every drop of water used for cooking or drinking. Our house currently has a mattress on the floor, and four plastic chairs — finding basic kitchen appliances and household items is a challenge, as it’s hard to come by and disproportionately expensive. We are excited to make this new property a dynamic base from which we launch the ministry deeper into the interior of the Democratic Republic of Congo!

family life

Our family has great reason to celebrate — my sister and brother in law announced that I’ll soon be an aunt of TWO munchkins!

This is my nephew, Marnus — being his only aunt is my favourite thing.

Being away from my family with long-term missions often makes it feel as if I’m missing out on the small things of every day family life. It’s WORTH IT though, because I get to sow and invest in other families and introduce them to the love of Christ. It’s no small task, but the Lord is so FAITHFUL in making all things bear fruit when we step out in faith.

I pray that today you’ll be reminded that you’re part of a family that prays for you, that celebrates with you, you that mourns with you, that holds your arms up, and that encourages you to be rooted in the Word.

“Our Middle East team has a deeper connection because of our revelation of family. While we were sitting in a meeting, Arabs and westerners, speaking about what it means to be a team, we realized differences in the way we viewed family. Arabs think family is faithfulness and never leaving on another, while westerners are more quick to leave for new family and places. Some of us began to cry as we realized that each one had been faithfully called by God to the mission field, and through that He had establish a real, tangible family, even though many had left their families to do the work of ministry. God has made everything worth it and multiplied my family, and I know this family I am reaping overseas is only the beginning,” — missionary in the Middle East.

what’s next?

  • 2 to 5 January – Overland Missions Annual Conference in Florida, USA
  • 11 to 27 January – KwaZulu Natal
  • 3 to 12 February – Vaal Triangle
  • 21 to 28 February – Overland Missions African Staff Conference in Mozambique
  • 4 to 5 March – Victory Weekend at Every Nation Faith City
  • 11 to 18 March – USA Mission Team in North West, South Africa
  • 24 to 25 March – Francis Chan at my home church
  • 28 March to 10 April – reconnaissance trip to Coffee Bay with the aim to plant an Overland Missions base in South Africa
  • 14 April – preliminary date to launch into the Democratic Republic of Congo

giving opportunities

In 2021, in the midst of Covid, an opportunity opened up to spend three months boots-on-the-ground in DR Congo, and it has been an immersive learning experience! I’ve discovered so much about the Congolese culture, improved my French, and I’m learning more effective ways to do ministry among these wonderful people! In 2022 we are starting a BRAND-NEW mission base deeper into the interior in DR Congo, launching a team in Kolwezi and the surrounding chiefdoms. As we grow and our team develops, we’re discovering more specific needed resources to advance the ministry.

Here are some things that would give us more freedom and greatly improve our trips in the bush for ministry:

Vehicle upgrades: I am currently fundraising to purchase a Toyota Landcruiser in order to take on the rough roads in the backcountry, expanding ministry in these unreached areas.

I am looking to purchase a Toyota Landcruiser to use in DR Congo for ministry to remote areas. If you would like to contribute to this purchase, you can use 3282V in the reference when making your donation HERE

Here are a few other, more personal needs that I’m working towards:

Monthly support: in order to maintain a “fully funded” status and be effectively funded for full time missions, I have an outstanding $2000 in monthly support to raise in order to meet ministry needs. This support goal includes all ministry expenses, as well as personal expenses for travel, and logistical costs. I would greatly appreciate it if you would consider joining me in a monthly financial partnership.

Battery system and solar panels: The current reality in DRC is that there is ZERO electricity 6 out of 7 days per week — unscheduled and unannounced. Setting up a portable solar panel system will allow me to keep essentials like my phone and GPS running, while also providing much-needed light for cooking and teaching. The rainy season often means that it is overcast and pouring with rain for several days at a time, and a battery system will allow me to have a backup option.

Support team growth

Right now, my partnership team doesn’t fully cover my entire budget, so I am praying and believing God for more supporters to partner with! If you are not part of my monthly partnership team and would like to be, it would be a blessing to share in this ministry together!

If you have any desire to sow into any of these needs, I could move forward with them a lot faster! I have a ministry fund specifically for expenses like these. The details for giving are listed below.

  • Go to
  • Insert the amount and frequency (monthly or once-off specific) you want to donate. You can donate in USD, ZAR, or the currency of your choice.
  • Designate in the memo box: 3282 or my full name (Cornelia van Biljon) as reference.


you are a part of this team

As always, a grand THANK YOU to each of you! I’m so blessed by your encouragement and prayer as our team continues to believe in a great move of God here in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia, and my home country, South Africa!

Because of you, and your support in every way, we can participate in the mission — to see the sick healed, the oppressed set free, the dead raised, and the Good News proclaimed to those who are without hope.

Through your faithful partnership in finances, prayer, and support this ministry can grow, bear fruit, and share in the joy of the harvest! Thank you for sowing into this team, and specifically into my life! Because of your commitment, remote communities are reached with the Gospel of the Kingdom — thank you for being a part of that! Thank you to all of you who sow and continue sowing into my life and the lives of others who are growing in Christ, receiving Christ, and are sent out by Christ.

I love each one of you and am so excited for what the Lord is doing and going to do through your lives as well. Giving it all might require finances, time, and sacrifice, but it’s worth it. He is worth it. The greatest gift was given when Jesus laid His own life down for us. Everything else falls short. He deserves eternal glory!

If you would like to give to our Kingdom work, please click here. You can use 3282 as my staff code in the reference.

Thank you for your continued prayers, and love, and for sowing so generously into my life! May the Lamb receive the honour and praise that is due to His Name! 🙌🏼

Love in Christ

Good morning from Tabernacle Chretien de Kolwezi!
I’m here with my friend and teammate, Carol. (You’ll remember seeing him in some updates from our Expedition to Mwadingusha, and he was a guest on my podcast.) This is the largest church I’ve visited in DRC (because we usually go to the villages, and this is my first Sunday in the city). They offer interpreting services in French, English, Chinese, Lingala, Swahili, and Congolese Sign Language.
This Mama Justine Kabamba.
She is Pastor Pierre Kabamba’s wife, and the pair are a great blessing to our team here in DR Congo.

At the beginning of November, at one of our weekly team meetings, I was teaching on prayer, and specifically spoke about praying Scripture.

These team meetings are important moments of fellowship for our team of Congolese missionaries.

What we expect of them is counter cultural. Taking on rough roads. Women preaching. Young men teaching. Yet — every week, our team pile themselves onto dirt bikes and take on rough roads to remote villages. Every week they show up, ready to encourage Believers with the Word of God.

Getting refreshed in the Spirit and spending time in the Word is uncompromisable necessities in sustainable ministry.

I was teaching our team the principles of “popcorn prayer” and it soon became a favourite:
• popcorn prayers are not requests.
• popcorn prayers are not thanksgiving.
• popcorn prayers are short, powerful declarations.
• popcorn prayers are spontaneous affirmations of the Nature and Character of God.
• popcorn prayers are declarations of warfare, affirming and declaring the Word.

Some of the examples I spoke of regarding the nature of popcorn prayer included,
“You are the King of kings,”
“You are the Healer,”
“You are the Source and my Provision,”
“You are the Spirit of Prophecy,”
“You are the Worthy Lamb,”

Yesterday, Mamma Justine (also known as Mamma Pastor) came to tell me, “I have a testimony to share! When we were at the church in Kapalowe last week, you were teaching about popcorn prayers again. I wasn’t feeling very well, and I had a stomach pain. But when we started declaring the nature and character of God, I said, ‘He is my healer! He is Yahweh RAPHA!’ and while I was praying these declarations, I felt the Holy Spirit touch me and all the pain left my body! God truly is a powerful God. His Word never changes. With His Word, we can fight the enemy and overcome him because of the victory of Jesus!”

Isn’t it wonderful to know that God truly is who He says he is?
We can stand on the promises of His Word.
We can stand on the truth of His Names.
He doesn’t change.
He is not swayed by circumstance.
His Kingdom is not just a matter of eloquent speech, but a demonstration of His power.
His Kingdom does not only grab us from the clutches of the enemy, but restores us to a place of Righteousness and right standing, as sons and heirs carrying authority to break down spiritual strongholds and to make known the nature majesty of His Name.
Back from the Bush!
After a week of camping

Here’s some feedback from 5 days of ministry in Mwadingusha, and the surrounding villages:

498 people heard the Gospel.
46 souls got saved.
98 people were healed.
1 person was set free from demons.

In the end it’s not about the statistics.

It’s about seeing hearts and lives transformed by the love of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.

The adventure wears off, and trust me — eating bucari (maize porridge) and fish 3x day, all week grows thin real fast, but it’s SO WORTH IT because He is worthy!

Thank you for your continued prayers, and love, and for sowing so generously into my life!

May the Lamb receive the honour and praise that is due to His Name! .

en Lui, nous avons l’espérance de la gloire

Chers amis ! Famille ! Royaume Partenaires!

2021 a commencé en beauté ! Je suis tellement submergé par votre générosité et votre amour ! Je suis extrêmement fier de faire partie de cette merveilleuse équipe — Overland Missions — pendant cette saison et cette année ! En une année où une grande partie du monde s’est arrêtée, l’Évangile du Royaume a continué à avancer !

Ces derniers mois ont été remplis de tant de choses ! J’ai été tellement excité de partager cette mise à jour avec vous, et de plus en plus de choses ont continué à être ajoutées, alors le voici : la bobine de faits saillants !

« Peu importe les nombreuses promesses que Dieu a faites, elles sont « oui » dans le Christ, et c’est pourquoi, bien que Lui l’Amen soit parlé par nous à la gloire de Dieu »

— 2 Corinthiens 1:20 [TPT]

N’est-ce pas là un merveilleux rappel que celui qui a promis est fidèle ? Son cœur a toujours été d’avoir une relation avec nous — sa création. Alors que nous allons vers les nations pour partager ce message — qu’Il s’est approché, que Dieu s’est fait homme pour payer le prix ultime de la liberté en notre nom, pour nous réconcilier avec le Père — nous pouvons tenir la promesse que Sa Parole ne reviendra pas nulle, pas dans notre propre vie, ni dans la vie de ceux que nous sommes incroyablement privilégiés de servir. En Jésus, chaque Écriture est accomplie, et en Lui, nous avons l’espérance de la gloire !

à la Zambezi avec Caitlyn et Jackson

J’ai rencontré notre équipe de la RD Congo! Lisez la biographie complète ici!

Conférence africaine du personnel

En janvier, après avoir été cloué au sol pendant une année complète, en raison des restrictions liées à la COVID-19, j’ai pu me rendre à Rapid 14, le siège social de Overland Missions en Zambie, pour me joindre à des missionnaires de partout en Afrique pour notre conférence annuelle du personnel. Il s’agit d’un moment fort annuel, alors que les missionnaires et les membres de l’équipe des bases environnantes se rassemblent pour un temps de communion, d’encouragement et pour se préparer à retourner sur le terrain en feu !

Voyager à l’étranger pendant une pandémie internationale est certainement une affaire colorée ! Après avoir obtenu un résultat négatif au test de la COVID-19, j’étais prêt à réserver mon billet d’avion pour Lusaka, où je rencontrerais mes coéquipiers de la RDC. Sherrill, Saviour et Julie ont fait leur chemin vers la Zambie par bus. Nous avions arrangé de se retrouver dans la capitale, puis prendre une navette pour Livingstone.

Comme la plupart de mes plans de voyage dépendaient d’un résultat de test négatif, les choses sont tombées en place tout à coup quand j’ai su avec certitude que j’étais libre de voyager! Juste au moment où le cyclone tropical Eloise est arrivé en Afrique du Sud, mon ami Ruan a accepté de me déposer à l’aéroport. Il nous restait encore 180 km à parcourir pour arriver en ville à l’arrière de sa moto jaune avec un pack complet, et il commençait à pleuvoir !

Pendant les restrictions de confinement de niveau 4 en Afrique du Sud, nous avions un couvre-feu imposé par le gouvernement qui signifiait que personne n’était autorisé à sortir de son lieu de résidence personnel entre 21 h 00 et 05 h 00. Il a fallu de la planification créative pour voyager entre les provinces et les villes, mais pour faire court, je me suis rendu à l’aéroport (et à mon vol) à temps !

Le Dr Leon van Rooyen dit : « Heureux les flexibles, car ils resteront dans le ministère. »

La conférence fut un moment merveilleux de communion, de communauté et de remplissage avec l’Esprit Saint. Je suis reconnaissant de faire partie d’une équipe de foi dynamique qui est bibliquement centrée sur tout ce qu’ils font, et d’appartenir à une tribu si incroyable.

any road. any load. any time.

langue et la traduction

J’ai récemment eu le privilège de traduire la proposition officielle de formation de l’aumônerie de l’anglais vers le français pour la présenter à l’empereur Mwaant Yaav, souverain de l’empire de Lunda en République démocratique du Congo.

Jessy et moi suivons activement une formation linguistique en français afin de maîtriser la conversation une fois que nous aurons atteint la base en RDC.

Deux des outils les plus importants dans le ministère autochtone sont : 1) le leadership local et 2) la compétence linguistique.

La formation de l’aumônerie est une initiative de formation intensive et intégrée qui a débuté en Zambie et s’est étendue depuis à d’autres pays africains. L’objectif est de fournir à chaque chef, en tant que représentant des dirigeants traditionnels des nations, un conseiller spirituel. Nous appelons ces conseillers spirituels aumôniers. Dans les Écritures, nous trouvons de nombreux exemples d’hommes et de femmes qui ont agi comme conseillers auprès des dirigeants — Daniel à Nebuchadnezzar, David à Saul, Joseph à Potiphar. Et, bien sûr, alimenté par le Saint-Esprit.

Ce document, c’est-à-dire la proposition d’élargir la formation de l’aumônerie en RD Congo, est l’une des nombreuses portes qui ont ouvert la porte au ministère pour aller de l’avant, et au Royaume pour avancer en atteignant les cœurs et les esprits des dirigeants traditionnels et gouvernementaux. Dieu fait un chemin pour que l’Évangile brise les contraintes politiques et rompe les chaînes de l’esclavage historique.

témoignages de RD Congo

Notre équipe continue à animer le cours de théologie biblique en français avec notre équipe congolaise 2 jours par semaine. Les membres de l’équipe travaillent chaque semaine dans plusieurs villages éloignés, parcourant des motos dans la boue et la pluie pour partager l’Évangile, et font le suivi des études bibliques fondamentales. L’équipe de Overland travaillant à Zanzibar, qui sont des locuteurs swahilis, a pu animer une excellente formation vidéo sur les clés des relations et de l’évangélisation avec les musulmans, basée sur leurs ans d’expérience et la marche de l’Esprit dans l’amour. Nous sommes reconnaissants de la sagesse qu’ils ont partagée avec notre équipe !

notre équipe Congolaise

Un chef appelé Christelle (un de nos membres de l’équipe congolaise) quand sa femme était très malade. Sa femme était inconsciente et ils craignaient qu’elle soit sur le point de mourir. Christelle a prié au téléphone pour la femme du chef et elle s’est réveillée ! Elle a pu bientôt manger et boire à nouveau ! Le chef était incroyablement reconnaissant pour la foi et les prières de notre équipe.

Nous avons vu Dieu répondre à nos prières en posant les mains sur les malades, et Dieu a apporté la guérison miraculeuse à de mauvais genoux et le dos, ainsi les yeux presque aveugles d’une vieille femme ont été restaurés! Un homme était un alcoolique (avec tout le brokenness associé à ceci) quand il est venu à une réunion. Après avoir entendu parler de l’amour de Dieu pour lui au cours de nos études bibliques, il dit : « Ma vie a changé ce jour-là, et je n’ai plus bu. »

vous faites partie de cette équipe

Comme toujours, un grand MERCI à chacun d’entre vous ! Je suis tellement béni par vos encouragements et vos prières alors que notre équipe continue de croire en un grand mouvement de Dieu ici en République démocratique du Congo, en Zambie et dans mon pays d’origine, l’Afrique du Sud !

Grâce à votre soutien, nous pouvons participer à la mission — voir les malades guéris, les opprimés libérés, les morts ressuscités, la Bonne Nouvelle annoncée à ceux qui sont sans espérance.

Merci de semer dans cette équipe, et en particulier dans ma vie ! Grâce à votre engagement, des communautés éloignées sont atteintes par l’Évangile du Royaume — merci d’en faire partie !

pour faire un don à notre ministère, allez à donnez et utilisez le code personnel 3282 comme référence dans votre paiement. merci beaucoup!

je m’en vais!

“The angel told him, “Get dressed. Put on your sandals, bring your cloak, and follow me.”

‭‭— Acts‬ ‭12:8‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Friends! Family! Kingdom Partners!

I am on my way to DR Congo

After (nearly) two years of ministry (and waiting and praying and preparing in the throws of Lockdown) in my home country, I AM ON MY WAY to DR Congo!

I have eagerly been waiting for the opportunity to return as a sector missionary to DR Congo with Overland Missions, and it is finally here! I am leaving in SEVEN DAYS!

We often find ourselves in in-between seasons, and for me, the in-between was from October 2019, shortly after my return from Zambia when my father passed away, through Lockdown, until now. One of the toughest lessons I’ve had to learn is to actively wait while I’m in the in-between.

As Westerners, we’re conditioned to be time-conscious — not to waste time, but to save it and steward it.
What I’ve learnt is that ACTIVE waiting is very different from PASSIVE waiting.
The in-between is a time for growth.
A time for stewardship, for cultivating, for digging deeper wells.

— active waiting in the in-between

I have spent this in-between season doing just that — and now it’s time to put on sandals, grab my cloak (or at least 1 bag as per airline allowance) and GO!

As you may know, at the end of 2019, I received a new assignment to work with Overland Missions’ team in the Democratic Republic of Congo to pioneer the Gospel to unreached people in remote locations.

During the worldwide lockdown of 2020, our faithful team of Congolaise missionaries and ministry partners worked with zeal to expand the Kingdom and to share the Good News of the Gospel with their fellow Congolaise people. I have shared many of their testimonies— and the victories in which you share — over the past months. It’s a celebration of God at work in the Nations!

“The angel told him, “Get dressed. Put on your sandals, bring your cloak, and follow me.”” — Acts‬ ‭12:8‬ ‭TPT‬‬

it’s moving day

IT’S MOVING DAY! our team in DRC is expanding and growing, and we’re pioneering a new ministry area in Haut Katanga! 🇨🇩 Thank you for being a part of the team, for working and sowing into the Kingdom! We look forward to the many ministry opportunities this new base will hold! (If you missed the news — Sherrill and Saviour are expecting their baby in December 2021!)

ninety days

Over the next three months, I’ll be joining our Overland Missions team in our NEW HOME — Kolwezi, where we’ve got a full ministry schedule!

  • Teaching Bible studies in the villages
  • Hosting Leadership Meetings in Mpande, Kapalowe, Kolwezi, and Likasi
  • Doing First Aid training and Trauma Prayer Counselling with Julie in the clinics
  • A SECOND Expedition to follow-up on the first Expedition that our Zambian team hosted in August
  • Hosting Farming God’s Way Conferences
  • Preaching (this also counts toward the Bachelor of Theology that I am currently pursuing while working full-time)
  • Doing various recon missions around Kolwezi
  • And — one of the ministry highlights I am personally looking forward to meeting Emperor Mwant Yavwa on my birthday!

4 vehicles 6 motorbikes 32 people

At the end of July and into the beginning of August, the Expedition Division partnered with the DR Congo team to run our first ever DR Congo expedition.

It was an expedition that pioneered great things for the future!
Follow this link to check out awesome testimonies from the expedition!

Two of our expedition leaders took on the challenge of this trip into this unfamiliar and difficult nation. A huge part of the expedition was that instead of bringing westerners with them, they brought a group of our full-time time, Zambian staff! For many of our Zambian missionaries, it was their first time doing international ministry.

What an amazing expedition filled with powerful testimonies, cross-cultural leadership, miracles, and expansion!

you are a part of this team

Through your faithful partnership in finances, prayer, and support this ministry can grow, bear fruit, and share in the joy of the harvest!

I would like to invite you to partner with this ministry!

You can CLICK HERE to give every month, or a once-off gift, using 3282 as my staff code in the reference.

If you would like to give to our Kingdom work, please click here. You can use 3282 as my staff code in the reference.

As always, a grand THANK YOU to each of you! I’m so blessed by your encouragement and prayer as our team continues to believe in a great move of God here in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia, and my home country, South Africa!

Because of you, and your support in every way, we can participate in the mission — to see the sick healed, the oppressed set free, the dead raised, and the Good News proclaimed to those who are without hope.

Thank you for sowing into this team, and specifically into my life! Because of your commitment, remote communities are reached with the Gospel of the Kingdom — thank you for being a part of that!

Thank you to all of you who sow and continue sowing into my life and the lives of others who are growing in Christ, receiving Christ, and are sent out by Christ.

I love each one of you and am so excited for what the Lord is doing and going to do through your lives as well. Giving it all might require finances, time, and sacrifice, but it’s worth it. He is worth it. The greatest gift was given when Jesus laid His own life down for us. Everything else falls short. He deserves eternal glory!

meet the DR Congo team

If you missed out on the DRC team introduction, you can find it here (on any Podcast platform), or where my newsletters are published:

testimonies from our international Overland Missions team

an update from our Congolese teammate, Fidele: Moi et mon équipe du Congo, de la Zambie, de Finlande, d’Amérique, Afrique du Sud nous accomplissons les messages que Jésus Christ nous as laisser d’aller partout dans le monde et donner l’evagile. Merci a Dieu pour cette grâce qu’il m’accorder. >> myself and my team from Congo, Zambia, Finland, America, South Africa are fulfilling the messages that Jesus Christ has left us to go all over the world and give the Gospel. Thank God for this grace.
Today I’m remembering that time I walked 25km across Lusaka (yes, I had blisters. I walked because my wallet got stolen, but somehow I still had my passport) to the US Embassy to get my visa application submitted. 😂 Two years later, here I am — sitting in a small room in the back of a pharmacy, getting vaccinated for yellow fever, typhoid, hepatitis, tetanus, etc so that I can get to DRC soon! *Let me tell you — travelling for the sake of the Gospel is not always glamorous, * but every long hike, and every 26-hour bus ride, and every flight, and every change-of-plans-on-the-go is WORTH IT over and over again, because HE IS WORTHY! Whatever it takes.
From the Middle East: “Being a missionary in the Middle East is hard, especially when you were born there. But, I’m always being reminded of how Jesus walked and started revival here… how He was Middle Eastern! Walking this journey and doing life for Jesus has made me realize how amazing God’s love for us is. I’m with people that I’m supposed to hate, but still share the Gospel because I love them and care so much about them! It makes me think how Jesus looked at people. He had no reason to love them, but loved because He is Love itself. Being here is hard unless you know how to love and be love as He is Love,” — a missionary from, and to, the Middle East.
testimony from Zambia: “Two of our local Zambian missionaries led the charge to repair this well that had been broken for years! With the hard work of villagers, we were able to do a complete restoration of this broken water source. As we pulled up one broken, dirty, rusty piece of metal after another and replaced each part with a new and spotless pipe, I was reminded of the words in Hebrews 10 that our hearts have been sprinkled clean and our bodies washed with pure water. And this washing goes deep – it’s a cleansing that recreates our very spirits and gives us an entirely new self. But it doesn’t just stop there. Like the new well, we’ve been made new in order to pour out. The water that washed us clean now springs forth from our spirits to bring life to the world around us,” Lynsey H, missionary in Zambia.
from Angola: “Our first time back out ministering in Angola, I was so nervous. I had six months of Portuguese classes, and a year to forget them, but I so wanted to clearly communicate the precious Word of God. It was hard for me to learn a language when I couldn’t see the people face-to-face who I was learning it for. But arriving in the first village last week, I was reminded of what I saw the first time we were in Angola. People are hungry for Truth, God is faithful, and every second is worth it. Every inconvenience; every embarrassment of getting the language wrong; every week, day, and month of waiting on some government is worth it to communicate the love of God face-to-face with someone who doesn’t know it,” — Lauren B, missionary in Angola.
From Tanzania: When was the moment we have decided that faith is about “Jesus make my life easy”? Jesus said, “unless you lose your life, you will never find it.” When was the moment we have forgotten that we owe Him everything and not the other way around? Especially now in the light of what is happening in Afghanistan and other places in the world (that may not be displayed on the news) where our brothers and sisters are being killed for trusting in Jesus, we should understand, it is either “I” or Jesus. And when we choose Jesus it may get difficult, we may sacrifice what is of value to us, or face persecution. But life was never meant to be found in anything rather than Jesus. I am at a place right now where family is everything to people and when they choose Jesus, they may lose their family. They don’t choose Jesus because He makes their life easy. They choose Him because He is LIFE.
encouragement from Jake, Overland Missions’ Director of International Operations: God takes small things and makes them great in His hands. David was the youngest and smallest of all the brothers, yet God chose him to be King of Israel. David wasn’t chosen because of his earthly qualifications, he was chosen because God knew what was in his heart.
From Chipepo chiefdom, Zambia: Chipepo is one of our many outlying bases in Zambia. The team has many powerful, Zambian ministers! Three are Cresia, Lydia, and Judith. Chelsea has a Bible study with them regularly and desires their confidence in ministry grow to the point where they fully understand how much power their message carries. Chelsea B shares, “My hope and prayer for them is that they all will be able to read the Bible on their own one day very soon, and preach with confidence, sharing their life stories as testimonies of God’s faithfulness and love!”
From Brazil: “So often children’s ministries are watered-down or glorified playtimes. In the same way, sometimes children are seen as extra work or even burdens on the mission field, when, in fact, the same Holy Spirit that lives in me lives in them! The same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in them, and the greatest gift I can give my children is the opportunity to be obedient to the Holy Spirit, and minister the Gospel,” — Chelsea P, missionary in Brazil.
“After a day of house-to-house ministry, I went to fill up the team’s water cans. Arriving at the borehole, I met Franco. We immediately struck up conversation and Holy Spirit led me to ask if he knew Jesus. Franco said he knew Jesus from going to church growing up but didn’t know God desires an ongoing relationship with him. After many questions and praying together, Franco received Jesus and made him Lord and Savior of his life,” — Parker S AMT graduate, 2021

a well in the wasteland

There are times in life where we’re “stuck” in the in-between.

One of the toughest lessons I’ve had to learn is to actively wait while I’m in the in-between.
As Westerners, we’re conditioned to be time-conscious — not to waste time, but to save it and steward it.
What I’ve learnt is that ACTIVE waiting is very different from PASSIVE waiting.
The in-between is a time for growth.
A time for stewardship, for cultivating, for digging deeper wells.

In the desert, there is no commodity more valuable than water.

When you don’t know what’s next, or even if you know, and you’re waiting for the release, don’t pop up an umbrella and camp out under the palm trees of the oasis. Now is the time to break through the hard ground, to dig deep, to be filled with Living Water that flows out of your belly.

He promises that this will bring healing to the Nations.

“The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.”
— Zephaniah 3:17

He promises that this will bring healing to the Nations.

yes and amen

Dearest Friends! Family! Kingdom Partners!

2021 has started off with a bang! I am so overwhelmed by your generosity and love! I am extremely proud to be part of this wonderful team — Overland Missions — during this season, and during this year! In a year when much of the world came to a standstill, the Gospel of the Kingdom continued to move forward!

These past couple of months have been packed with so many things! I’ve been so excited to share this update with you, and more and more things kept being added, so here it is — the highlight reel!

“For no matter how many promises God has made, they are ‘Yes’ in Christ. And so though him the ‘Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God”

— 2 Corinthians 1:20 [TPT]

Isn’t this scripture a wonderful reminder that He who has promised is faithful? His heart has always been to have relationship with us — His creation. As we go to the nations to share this message — that He has come near, that God became man to pay the ultimate price for freedom on our behalf, to reconcile us to the Father — we can hold on to the promise that His Word will not return void; not in our own lives, nor in the lives of those we are so incredibly privileged to serve. In Jesus every Scripture is fulfilled, and in Him, we have the hope of glory!

African Staff Conference

In January, after being grounded for a full year, due to Covid-19 restrictions, I was able to travel to Rapid 14, Overland Missions’ headquarters in Zambia, to join missionaries from all over Africa for our annual staff conference. This is a yearly highlight as missionaries and team members from outlying bases come together for a time of fellowship, encouragement, and getting equipped to return to the field on fire!

Travelling internationally during an international pandemic is certainly a colourful affair! After getting a negative Covid-19 test result, I was ready to book my plane ticket to Lusaka where I would meet up with my teammates from DRC. Sherrill, Savour and Julie made their way down to Zambia via bus. We had arranged to meet up in the capital, and then catch a shuttle to Livingstone. Life is always better in team!

180 km to go in cyclone rain? We do whatever it takes. Thank you for dropping me off at the airport, Ruan!

Since most of my travel plans were dependent on a negative test result, things fell in place quite suddenly when I knew for sure that I was free to travel! Just as Tropical Cyclone Eloise rolled into South Africa, my friend Ruan agreed to drop me off at the airport. We had another 180 km to go in order to make it to the city on the back of his yellow motorbike with a full pack, and it had just started to rain!

During Level 4 Lockdown Restrictions in South Africa, we had government enforced curfew which meant that no one was allowed out of their personal place of residence between 21h00 and 05h00. This took some creative planning to travel between provinces and cities, but long story short — I made it to the airport (and my flight) on time!

Dr Leon van Rooyen famously says, “Blessed are the flexible, for they shall remain in ministry.”

The conference was a wonderful time of fellowship, community, and infilling with the Holy Spirit. I am thankful to be part of a dynamic faith-filled team that is Biblically centred in everything they do, and such an incredible tribe to belong to.

language and translation

I recently had the privilege of translating the official Chaplaincy Training proposal document from English to French to present to Emperor Mwaant Yaav, ruler of the Lunda Empire in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Jessy and I are actively pursuing language training in French in order to be conversationally proficient once we touch base in DRC.

Two of the most important tools in indigenous ministry are, 1) local leadership and 2) language proficiency.

The Chaplaincy Training is an intensive, integrated training initiative that started in Zambia and has since expanded to other African nations. The goal is to provide every Chief as representative of the traditional leadership in the nations with a spiritual Counsellor. We call these spiritual counsellors Chaplains. In Scripture, we find many examples of men and women who acted as advisors to leaders — Daniel to Nebuchadnezzar, David to Saul, Joseph to Potiphar. And, of course, fuelled by the Holy Spirit.

This document, that is the proposal for expanded Chaplaincy Training in DR Congo, is one of many doors that opened for ministry to move forward, and the Kingdom to advance by reaching the hearts and minds of traditional, and governmental leadership. God is making a way for the Gospel to break through political constraints, and break the chains of historical slavery.

In February, I had an opportunity to share about Overland Missions and the advancement of the Kingdom in DRC, Zambia and beyond on a local radio station here in South Africa.

testimonies from DR Congo

Farming God’s Way, Mpande. Three days of Scripture and agriculture, knit together to sow hope for change.

Our team continues to facilitate the Biblical theology course in French with our Congolese team 2 days a week. The team ministers in several remote villages on a weekly basis, riding motorcycles through the mud and rain to share the Gospel, and follow up with foundational Bible studies. The Overland team working in Zanzibar, who are Swahili speakers, were able to facilitate a great video training on Keys to Relationships and Evangelism with Muslims — based on their years of experience and walking by the Spirit in love. We are thankful for the wisdom they shared with our team!

We invested in helmets (and carried them in backpacks and duffle bags across the border) because we ride motorcycles for 90% of our ministry. Is it the safest way to travel? Nope, but right now it’s the only mode of transportation we have to carry the gospel to remote villages.

Taking calculated risks means we do our best to keep our team going for as long and as far as possible — because we carry the love and power of Christ in us. And there are too many people who still have never heard this Good News! After the conference our team tried to return to Congo. Julie received a message that the rebels were fighting with soldiers in a city we needed to pass through to get home. So she spent 17 extra hours on a bus and returned to our R14 base in Zambia until there was peace again.

God never promised us a life free from difficulty, but he has promised to never leave us or forsake us. We’re thankful to be back with our team, and tomorrow we head back out to the villages — because once you have received the revelation of God’s redeeming love, it’s impossible to keep it to yourself.

A chief called Christelle (one of our Congolaise team members) when his wife was very sick. His wife was unconscious and they feared she was near death. Christelle prayed for the chief’s wife over the phone and she woke up! She was soon able to eat and drink again! The chief was incredibly thankful for the faith and prayers of our team.

“Working in a nation that isn’t the country of your passport makes you realize all the injustice taking place in the world. People make you pay more than a normal price just because you are a foreigner or damage your motorbike and demand you pay them. Even in a neighbouring African country I’m a foreigner.

But the beauty is, there’s no challenge, trial or difficulty that can stop our sharing the Gospel. God loves his people so much, regardless of where they are from or which culture they were brought up in.

One soul is worth all we have to reach and tell them about the deep love of God and the reconciliation available to them right now,” — Saviour, missionary in DR Congo.

We have seen God answer our prayers as we laid hands on the sick, and God brought miraculous healing to bad knees and backs, as well an old woman’s nearly blind eyes were restored! One man was an alcoholic (with all the brokenness associated with this) when he came to a meeting. After hearing of God’s love for him during our Bible studies, he says, “my life was changed on that day, and I have not drunk again.

you are part of this team

As always, a grand THANK YOU to each of you! I’m so blessed by your encouragement and prayer as our team continues to believe for a great move of God here in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia, and my home country, South Africa!

Because of you, your support in every way, we are able to participate in the mission — to see the sick healed, the oppressed set free, the dead raised, the Good News proclaimed to those who are without hope.

Thank you for sowing into this team, and specifically into my life! Because of your commitment, remote communities are reached with the Gospel of the Kingdom — thank you for being a part of that!

Much love, Cornelia

Please let me know how I can be praying for you! We are better together!

If you would like to give to our mission work, please click here. You can use 3282 as my staff code in the reference.
welcome to 2021! here are some important updates about my future newsletters and where you can find them!

Overland Missions field report: June

Friends! Family! Kingdom Partners!

Here is a recent field report from Overland Missions HQ.

Continue reading “Overland Missions field report: June”

good news in-between the Good News

Friends! Family! Kingdom Partners!

This morning I took a few minutes to catch up with global Overland Missions staff, and read through a couple newsletters.

As more and more countries are implementing quarantine measures in response to COVID-19, I want to encourage you that being at home does not mean you are ineffective in ministry.

Personally, this quarantine has been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster — I had specific plans and dates in place which would structure ministry and life. Like many others, such as yourselves, multiple plans have been restructured or temporarily placed on hold.

However, I diligently work towards improving my French vocabulary (a slow but steady progress) so that I might be more effective in reaching the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo. And spending time in the Word to be better equipped in life and ministry. 🇨🇩

Here is a fun little video about what language learning looks like for our global team, and what this looks like across nations.

Language learning is an essential part of reaching remote people groups — it is not only about words, but cultures and mindsets. What a wonderful part of ministry this is!

As some encouragement, I wanted to share some newsletters with you from fellow Overland missionaries — ministry often does not look like you expect it to.

Be faithful in the assignment before you, and obedient to the call of God in your life, and then these in-between moments become ministry in itself!

The Harts

The Lopezes

The Krenzes

The Myszkas

The Kiloughs

The Pienaars

The Phelps’

The Larsons

Rapid 14

During the summer holiday of 2018, I visited Liezl and Arthur at their home in Livingstone, Zambia. I met this lovely family in 2016, when they were visiting my home church in South Africa.

I remember being excited by the way they spoke about Kingdom and ministry and travel, and we kept in touch.

It was during this visit to Zambia, my second trip to Zambia with in a year, that God started speaking to me about strategic relationships.

Liezl and I, overlooking Rapid 14 on the Zambezi river.

I’ve been involved in short-term missions since 2010, and for two years, I headed Every Nation Faith City‘s local outreach programs. Mid-2018, I felt the release to quit my day-job, so to speak, and set off in obedience to the call God placed on my life.

In May 2019, I’ll be part of a team of missionaries from all over the world, who’ll attend the Advanced Missions Training on Overland Mission’s Logistical base in Livingstone, Zambia.

I feel that AMT (Advanced Missions Training) is an important steppingstone for the next season, and especially toward my heart for the Gospel in Africa.

Romans 10:14-15  (AMP)
14 But how will people call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how will they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher (messenger)?  15 And how will they preach unless they are commissioned  and sent [for that purpose]? Just as it is written  and forever remains written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!”

You can contribute by partnering with me in prayer, or contributing financially. The total cost for AMT is $6000 (six thousand USD), which includes all expenses such as travel and accommodation for the time I’ll be training in Zambia.

Would you please prayerfully consider making a contribution as partner in the Kingdom?

To join me in Kingdom partnership, you can donate to Overland Missions, and reference my name, or contact me directly, and I’ll provide any information needed.

However God leads you to respond, please know that I have deep appreciation for your partnership and support!

I look forward to sharing more exciting news with you soon!

May you be greatly and abundantly blessed!